Rev. Matthew Carriker
What an amazing 1st day in Israel! Though still recovering from the plane ride, I was awed by all that we saw and did in our 1st few hours: visiting the historic Caesarea (where both Peter and Paul are located in Acts 10 and 23) and putting an image to our sacred Scriptures; seeing the magnificent Bahai gardens in Haifa; and this evening's meeting with the Haifa Boston connection -- a group promoting social justice in Israel nd Boston.
In Haifa, the third-largest city in Israel, Jews and Arabs live peaceably and harmoniously with one another. How beautiful to see! And how inspiring to sit at the dinner table with a Muslim living in Haifa named Muad, who educates people from all over the world about Islam: ‘Jihad’ as Muad shared, is a concept that has been abused by fundamentalists and was never intended to incite violence against innocent people. Rather is a concept of a passionate commitment to a cause or struggle. There's much to process after day one. I look forward to day two!
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